Menghargai waktu? Kenapa yah perlu?
Entahlah, karena lagu ini...
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the
Would she ever doubt the way I
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved
Did I try in every way to show
her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were
And she must face this world
without me
Is the love I gave her in the
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
Lagu yang ingetin aku tentang, “Bagaimana kalau besok udah nggak
bernyawa? Sebelum hal itu terjadi, udah ngelakuin apa aku? Apa sesuatu berharga
dan bermanfaat buat orang lain? Atau sekedar hal sia-sia buat nyenengin diri
sendiri aja? Apa udah minta maaf kalau salah dan udah mengampuni orang lain
Dan sesuai lagu itu, “Apa kita udah ngaku kalau kita mencintai
seseorang ke orangnya langsung?”
I never knew you
If i never felt this love
I would have no inkling of
How precious life can be
If i never felt this love
I would have no inkling of
How precious life can be
so grateful to you
I'd have lived my whole life through
Lost forever
If I never knew you
I'd have lived my whole life through
Lost forever
If I never knew you
thought our love would be so beautiful
Somehow we'd make the whole world bright
I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong
all they'd leave us were these wispers in the night
But still my heart is saying we were right
Somehow we'd make the whole world bright
I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong
all they'd leave us were these wispers in the night
But still my heart is saying we were right
Dan aku juga nggak tahu jalan ceritanya
seperti apa, apakah akan berbeda dengan jalan cerita hidup aku yang sekarang
ini seandainya aku nggak tahu apa Yang Benar, nggak kenal DIA, nggak kenal dia,
nggak kenal mereka, nggak kenal kalian, nggak kenal kamu...
a perfect world
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone
create our own
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But somewhere in my secret heart
I know
Love will find a way
Anywhere I go
I'm home
If you are there beside me
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But somewhere in my secret heart
I know
Love will find a way
Anywhere I go
I'm home
If you are there beside me
Dan dalam dunia yang cukup kejam ini,
cinta yang akan membawa kita menuju jalan yang harus kita tempuh. Di mana ada
cinta, ada damai dan kita tahu, kita sudah sampai di akhir kisah perjalanan...
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